Electrical Engineering

Yonghong Huang

Date:2019-04-14 Click:

NameYonghong Huang

Professional TitleProfessor

Research Interests:

  • Power system protection and control

  • Special motor and intelligent control


Research Projects:

[1] Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu: Vector Machines Soft Sensor and Inverse Decoupling Control of Dynamic process in Animal Cells Suspension Culture, 2015.06-2018.08

[2] Technology Development Project of State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Company: Research on Key Technologies of Electric Vehicle Charging Station Access on power grid, 2017.01-2018.08

[3] Technology Development Project of State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Company: Construction of Basic Database for Disaster Prevention Risk Control of Zhenjiang Urban Heavy Rainfall in Power Grid, 2017.01-2017.12(Completed)

[4] Technology Development Project of State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Company: Research on Voltage Recovery Device and Grid-connected Technology under High Power Dynamic, 2018.01-2019.08

[5] Technology Development Project of State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Company: Construction and Analysis of Transformers Area Line Loss Database in Zhenjiang, 2018.01-2018.12

Research Publications

[1] Modeling and Control Design of Dynamic Voltage Restorer in Microgrids With A Novel Composite Controller. Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology. 2016.11(6):1645-1655. (SCI).

[2] Improved dq Transform Algorithm for Dynamic Voltage Restorer Detection, Proceedings of the CSU-EPS A. 2016.28(10):117-122.

[3] Transformerless Dynamic Voltage Restorer Based on Compound Control Strategy, Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society. 2015,30(12):253-260. (EI )

[4] Dynamic Voltage Restorer in Micro-grid Based on a Minimum Energy Compensation Control Scheme, Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society. 2014,29(12):128-136. (EI )

[5] Effective Voltage Flicker Detection Approach Based on a New Modified S-Transform Algorithm. 26th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), 2014, Changsha, China:4747-4752. (EI).