College News

EIE held capacity improvement training for student league cadres and a symposium on contacting youth in May

Date:2023-05-16 Click:

In order to better learn, publicize and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, enhance the leadership, service and overall contribution of the Youth League Committee of the college, and inspire the student league cadres to lead the young members to contribute their youth, on May 15th, EIE held a ceremony in 415th Floor of the Electrical Building In the conference room, the capacity improvement training for student league cadres and the Youth Contact Forum in May were held. The meeting was delivered by Ye Tao, deputy secretary of the college’s party committee, and attended by all the league secretaries. The meeting was chaired by Chu Yalun, deputy secretary of the college’s youth league committee.

At the beginning of the meeting, Ye Tao took "how to do a good job as a Youth League secretary" as the starting point. He hoped that the Youth League secretaries could take branch construction, ideological guidance, study style construction, innovation and entrepreneurship, and League Day activities as the starting point for the work of the Youth League secretary, and do a good job. The teacher's assistant, the leader of the branch, and the caring person of the students improve the advanced nature and combat effectiveness of the branch. Subsequently, Ye Tao put forward five suggestions to all the Youth League secretaries: first, maintain an upward ideological state, and as a Youth League secretary, you must adhere to a correct and positive political stance; second, maintain a good mental state and continue to improve your studies and work. Improve energy and spirit; third, maintain a healthy physical and mental state. While ensuring physical health, we must also actively pay attention to mental health; fourth, maintain a serious working state, implement various tasks in detail, and face difficulties without fear; The fifth is to give full play to the role of a bridge and, under the guidance of the Youth League Committee at the school and college levels, strive to build the Youth League branch into a group with advanced ideas and full of vitality. Finally, Chu Yalun held a discussion with some young members of the league to understand the ideological trends and answer questions about confusion in the study work.

This capacity improvement training for student league cadres provides detailed, accurate and comprehensive guidance for further improving the work of the college youth league committee and branch construction. It is hoped that all student league cadres in the college will continue to lead the youth league members to contribute their youthful power in learning and practice.