College News

EIE held the “5·25” mental health education and assistance education activities for students with learning difficulties

Date:2023-05-22 Click:

On May 21st, EIE held the 5·25 mental health education and assistance education activities for students with learning difficulties in Meiyuan with the theme of "Hide in the Meiyuan with dark fragrance and sparse shadows, happy 'room' with unity and cooperation". Electrical Engineering Ye Tao, deputy secretary of the party committee of the college, counselor Zhao Tiankui, and mental health association instructor Mo Yangyang attended this event.

At the beginning of the event, Ye Tao, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of EIE, delivered a speech on the mental health issues of college students. Secretary Ye used story sharing as an entry point to inspire students to avoid mental poverty in an era of material abundance and to actively embrace the enrichment and improvement of life. himself, and put forward 4 suggestions for restarting a new university life in the post-epidemic era, striving for a better future with all efforts, living every day with love, communicating with counselors and teachers in a timely manner, and guiding students to show a positive spirit. , cherish time, work hard, learn to release emotions, learn to listen, and learn to tolerate.

Then, enter the game, which involves positioning, hide-and-seek and tearing off name tags. Before the game, the participants are divided into 5 groups. Members of each group play two roles: wolf and sheep. The wolf must take the initiative to tear off other people's name tags to gain points. The sheep have to protect themselves to gain more points, and the team with the highest total points will win the game. In the game, team members work closely together, unite as one, and fight side by side toward the goal of victory. Finally, the activity ended with the laughter of the students. They all said that the game inspired fighting spirit, cultivated team spirit, and released stress.

This activity allows students to engage in outdoor sports in the form of group games to help students relieve their pre-exam anxiety, vent their psychological pressure in a healthy way, and avoid psychological problems. At the same time, guiding students with learning difficulties to get out of the dormitory, get rid of bad habits, rekindle their fighting spirit, and actively embrace life, plays a certain role in cultivating students' rational, peaceful, optimistic and healthy mentality, and creating a harmonious and harmonious campus environment.