College News

EIE held 3·20 mental health education activities

Date:2023-03-20 Click:

On March 18, 2023, the Mental Health Association of EIE launched the 3·20 mental health education activity in the Electrical Building with the theme of "Enter the drama to explore stories, and play the drama to understand life". The activity was open to all students of EIE.

This activity was carried out in the form of an outdoor script game, using the clues of exploring the protagonist's frustrated life story to be conducted in groups. The script story is divided into three stages. Each stage has a station. Each station has different choices, leading participants to a different next station. After three rounds of selection, each team finally reaches a different ending and obtains the corresponding of prizes. The activity ended successfully with the laughter of the students. The students all said that this activity was very novel. They were infected by the courage of the protagonist in the story to face setbacks in the game, and they also realized the value and meaning of life.

EIE always adheres to the unity of mental education and moral education, and attaches great importance to the preventive education of students’ mental health during the special period in spring. Taking advantage of the 320 Mental Health Festival, it carries out life education and frustration education for students, which helps students overcome difficulties and endure setbacks. Ability, cultivating an optimistic, rational and peaceful mentality has a better promoting effect!