College News

EIE held a series of activities "Enterprise Experts Enter the Classroom"

Date:2023-09-26 Click:

On September 25, 2023, in the "Electrical Engineering New Technology Lecture" class of the Electrical Engineering and Automation (Excellence) major, Dai Gang, deputy general manager of Daquan Group, the person in charge of Jiangsu Province's industry-education integrated brand major and off-campus major, was invited to board On the podium, the course content of "Overview of the Development of High and Low Voltage Complete Electrical Equipment" was taught to teachers and students. More than 60 students listened to this exciting course. Based on his own work experience, Dr. Dai Gang gave a detailed explanation of the classification of medium and low voltage complete sets of electrical appliances, the technical difficulties of closed busbars, AC and DC switching equipment technology, future development trends and prospects, and the demand for professional talents. After class, students communicated with Dai Gang on issues such as the application and practice of professional knowledge. Facing the students’ questions and confusions, Dai Gang patiently answered them, and the students gained a lot.

On October 9, 2023, senior engineer Huang Hongsheng, deputy general manager of Jiangsu Zhenan Electric Equipment Co., Ltd., an industry professor in Jiangsu Province and an off-campus expert in the province's industry-education integrated brand specialty, was invited to attend the "New Technologies in Electrical Engineering" major in electrical engineering and automation. Lecture" class, teaching teachers and students the course content of "Urban Power Supply Network". More than 120 students attended the class and listened to the lectures by experts. Senior Engineer Huang Hongsheng mainly focused on the composition and layout of the urban power grid, the power supply of the urban power grid and the selection of grid voltage levels. By introducing specific cases to the students, everyone had a deeper understanding of the application of the knowledge related to the power system they have learned. know.

At the end of the two lectures, Director Huang Yonghong expressed his gratitude to the two experts for coming and hoped that the students would have high aspirations and contribute to the cause of the motherland in the future.

Inviting enterprise experts into the classroom to teach students at close range is an attempt to introduce practical professional applications into the classroom, and it is also an in-depth implementation of the concept of school-enterprise integrated education. Two corporate expert lectures strengthened students' understanding of the major and also provided very important guidance for students' career development planning.