College News

EIE held the "Research and Development and Application of Electronic Information System Complete Machines and Hardware Equipment" graduate academic salon event

Date:2023-03-16 Click:

In order to create a good academic research atmosphere and enhance the knowledge and skills of graduate students in electronic information systems, on the afternoon of March 15, the School of Electrical Information Engineering held a seminar titled "Research and Development and Application of Electronic Information Systems and Hardware Equipment" in 415 of the Electrical Building. The theme of the academic salon lecture was given by Sun You, the technical director of Yuan Technology Co., Ltd.

At the beginning of the event, Sun Youwei introduced the challenges and opportunities faced by intelligent electronic information systems, and the basic principles and methods of system learning. Subsequently, Sun Youwei proposed professional solutions and solutions based on the analysis of actual cases. Finally, the students discussed the research of electronic information systems in other fields.

Through this academic salon, students can gain a deeper understanding of electronic information-related professional knowledge, expand their innovative thinking, and provide effective theoretical guidance for future research.