College News

The Department of Electrical Engineering held a seminar to share the experience of the postgraduate entrance examination

Date:2022-04-21 Click:

From 6:30 to 9:35 on the evening of April 20, the Department of Electrical Engineering of EIE successfully held two seminars on sharing experience in the form of enterprise WeChat conference. The prelude to this sharing and exchange meeting was that on April 13, the Party branch of the faculty and workers of the Department of Electrical Engineering held a mobilization meeting for all teachers in the department to analyze the current situation and problems of this year's postgraduate entrance examination for students majoring in electrical engineering and automation. After the meeting, all academic tutors are required to hold a mobilization meeting for the postgraduate entrance examination for their own classes within one week; Through the leading role of the Party building, strengthen the guidance and supervision responsibilities of academic tutors themselves, and actively promote the education work.

At this meeting, we invited the successful 18 level outstanding students of Baoyan: Zhou Jinyu, Gao Yingjie, Zhao Weichen, Lu Tianfeng, to share their experience in Baoyan, and to tell us their own mind course and methods. Five students, including Xu Deyi, Zhang Xu, Gao Pengyu, Gao Yasen and Leng Weimin, who were successful in the postgraduate entrance examination, were invited to share their experience in the postgraduate entrance examination and their mental journey. Students from the 19th and 20th grades of electrical engineering and automation majors participated in the sharing meeting, which was hosted by Zhang Weiyu, secretary of the Party branch of the Department of Electrical Engineering.

In the sharing link, the outstanding students who have already guaranteed the research actively shared their own learning experience, and carefully explained the specific matters that should be paid attention to in the process of the guaranteed research, including the preparation work before the guaranteed research (how to improve the performance points, how to participate in scientific research and enrich the competition experience), the key time points and general process of the guaranteed research, summer camp preparation, school selection positioning, etc. The outstanding students who have successfully taken the postgraduate entrance examination have shared valuable personal experience in terms of psychological preparation, school and major selection, time arrangement, learning strategies of various subjects, and matters needing attention in the re examination. The Department of Electrical Engineering attaches great importance to the promotion guidance of guaranteed research and postgraduate entrance examination. The successful holding of this guaranteed research experience sharing exchange series conference has created a good learning atmosphere, further played the role of example leading and demonstration, and improved the students' attention to academic goals and life planning.