College News

Yuan Shouqi went to the EIE to inspect and guide the work

Date:2022-05-18 Click:

On May 17, Yuan Shouqi, secretary of the UJS, and his delegation went to the EIE to inspect and guide the work of safety production management. All middle-level cadres and relevant responsible teachers of the EIE accompanied the inspection. Secretary Yuan Shouqi listened to the work reports on the college's career development and laboratory safety management, consulted the standing books of the EIE's safety system construction, implementation of the safety production responsibility system, and daily safety education, and inspected the safety status of the college's key laboratories and studios on the spot. Secretary Yuan Shouqi highly affirmed the EIE's career development and team building, gave targeted guidance to the problems existing in the work, and put forward three requirements for further safety management. First, tighten the "thought string". Strengthen the sense of hardship, keep alert at all times, and deeply understand the extreme importance of work safety. Second, we should guard the "responsibility field". Further improve the system, increase publicity and education, and effectively build a safe production defense line. Third, we should do a good job in "combination boxing". Strengthen supervision and inspection, pay attention to the use of organized inspection and "four no two direct" inspection methods, pay attention to result feedback, form closed-loop management, and improve the quality and efficiency of supervision. After the survey, the college held a joint party and government meeting in a timely manner to study and deploy the strengthening and improvement of safety production management, further promote the high-quality development of the college, contribute to the establishment of "double first-class" and the construction of high-level research universities, and welcome the successful convening of the 20th CPC National Congress with practical actions.