College News

The major of agricultural electrification won the first place in China in the "Ranking of Chinese Universities in Soft Science"

Date:2022-06-21 Click:

On June 18, Soft Science, a professional evaluation institution of higher education, officially released the 2022 "Ranking of Soft Science in Chinese Universities", and the agricultural electrification major of the EIE ranked A+and the first in China. In recent years, the major of agricultural electrification has thoroughly implemented the implementation of the "095 Project" and the construction of a demonstration school for the comprehensive reform of "three all-around education", actively responded to the implementation of the "New Agricultural Science and New Engineering Integration Construction Program of Jiangsu University", fully improved the talent training program of agricultural electrification, deepened the reform of education and teaching, compiled textbooks for agricultural related majors, and worked hard to create a core professional curriculum group that meets the goal of professional construction, It has effectively supported the demand for talent training of agricultural electrification, and has achieved a series of fruitful construction results. In 2019, the agricultural electrification specialty was selected into the first batch of national first-class undergraduate specialty construction sites (the only one in China) and Jiangsu brand specialty (Phase II) construction projects; In 2020, it will be selected as the "three integrity education" demonstration major of the university, and will pass the acceptance in 2021; In 2021, the Party Branch of Agricultural Electrification and Automation won the title of Advanced Grassroots Party Organization of Jiangsu University; In 2022, the Teaching and Working Party Branch of the Department of Agricultural Electrification was selected as one of the first batch of provincial party building model branch cultivation and founding units. In the future, the major of agricultural electrification will further unify its thinking and cohesion, strengthen the foundation of morality, cultivate people, and cherish the responsibility of strengthening agriculture and revitalizing agriculture. It will continue to carry forward the fine tradition and characteristic advantages of the school of "agriculture in industry, and agriculture in industry", cultivate more new agricultural electrification professionals who "know agriculture, love agriculture, and serve agriculture", and make greater contributions to the establishment of the school's "double first-class" and the construction of high-level research universities.