College News

The School of Electrical and Information Engineering holds a graduating class student education management coordination meeting

Date:2021-10-07 Click:

October 6, 2021, for the overall planning and promotion of the education management of graduating students. Room 313 launched a student education management collaboration promotion meeting. Ye Tao, deputy secretary of the party committee of the college, and all 2018 academic tutors and counselors attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Deputy Secretary Ye Tao.

At the beginning of the meeting, Ye Tao first notified the participating teachers of the recommended exemption status for the 2018 students. Fully affirmed the student guidance work of academic tutors and counselors. At the same time, Ye Tao sorted out the list of students with academic difficulties and the academic guidance work indicators ofThe School of Electrical and Information Engineering. Emphasizes the need for collaboration between academic tutors and counselors. Always pay attention to graduates’ progress in education and employment. Encourage 2018 students to adjust their postgraduate expectations, select target colleges and universities according to their own circumstances, and accurately provide efficient and high-quality employment guidance and information services. Make good use of the situation and teach students in accordance with their aptitude to do a good job of assistance. At the end of the meeting, the participating teachers discussed the important and difficult points of the current work of students' advancement and employment.

Through this education management coordination promotion meeting. All 2018 academic tutors and counselors further unified their thinking and increased their confidence in student education management. It also clarified the direction for future work.