College News

The School of Electrical and Information Engineering launches a mid-term inspection and guidance meeting for scientific research projects

Date:2021-10-13 Click:

In order to further strengthen the construction of scientific research style, vigorously promote the spirit of scientists, promote the improvement of students' innovative ability, and prevent and eliminate academic misconduct and untrue scientific research style in scientific research work. On October 12, 2021, EIE will launch a mid-term inspection and guidance lecture on scientific research projects on the theme of "Promoting the Spirit of Scientists and Strengthening the Construction of Scientific Research Integrity". The lecture was hosted by Xu Sicong, the student leader of the 416 Innovation Lab of the college and the first prize winner of the "National Undergraduate Electronic Design Competition". The college's 19th and 20th grade students participated in this activity.

In the lecture, Xu Sicong first explained the theme of the event. Explaining the spirit of a scientist and an excellent style of study are the cornerstones of scientific and technological innovation. Rigorous scientific research style and good academic ethics are important guarantees for safeguarding the dignity of science and promoting academic progress. Subsequently, the importance of scientific research integrity was explained from the three aspects of the construction of the style of study, the ethics of the style of study and the integrity of scientific research. Finally, he passed the Pence incident, Han Chunyu incident, Huang Yuxi incident, Bell incident and other negative academic fraud cases. At the same time, it introduces the policy documents issued by the Central Academy of Science and Technology and other scientific research institutions for scientific research integrity in recent years to strengthen the students' awareness of scientific research ethics.

This lecture made the students realize that in scientific research, scientific research integrity is the basis for guaranteeing scientific discovery and invention.And improved the students' scientific literacy, promoted the spirit of scientists, and strengthened the awareness of scientific research integrity.