College News

The Academic Innovation Forum on Modern Agricultural Equipment Electrification and Intelligentization was successfully held

Date:2021-10-18 Click:

On October 16, the 2021 Jiangsu Postgraduate "Electrification and Intelligentization of Modern Agricultural Equipment" Academic Innovation Forum was held in Zhenjiang. This forum was hosted by the Jiangsu Provincial Graduate Engineering Second Class Education Steering Committee. Organized by EIE, Jiangsu University. Nearly a hundred experts, scholars, and graduate students from more than ten universities and research institutes participated in this forum.

At 8:30 am on the 16th, the opening ceremony was held in the lecture hall of Jiangsu University Library. Researcher Li Bin, director of the Animal Husbandry Equipment Department of the National Agricultural Information Engineering Technology Research Center, and Professor Li Fanchang, dean of the Institute of Computer Science and Technology of Soochow University. Professor Zhou Hongping, Director of the Academic Affairs Office of Nanjing Forestry University. Professor Lu Wei, Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Nanjing Agricultural University. Professor Zhu Xiaoyong, Dean of EIE, Jiangsu University. Professor Mao Hanping, College of Agricultural Engineering. Zhou Zhengsong, deputy dean of the Graduate School. Ye Tao, deputy secretary of the Party Committee ofThe School of Electrical and Information Engineering. Professor Dean Zhao, a doctoral supervisor, attended the opening ceremony. The opening ceremony was presided over by Xu Leijun, deputy dean of EIE. Zhou Zhengsong, deputy dean of the Graduate Institute of Jiangsu University, delivered an opening speech. Professor Zhu Xiaoyong, Dean of EIE of Jiangsu University, introduced the preparations for this forum. Professor Li Fanchang, member of the Postgraduate Education Steering Committee of Jiangsu Province and Dean of the Institute of Computer Science of Soochow University, made a concluding speech.

This forum was held through a combination of online and offline methods. On the morning of the 16th, after the opening ceremony, six experts gave special reports on the spot. On the afternoon of the 16th, 60 graduate students from 7 universities, including China Agricultural University, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing Forestry University, Hebei Agricultural University, Henan University of Science and Technology, South China Agricultural University, and Jiangsu University, conducted online reports and exchanges through the Tencent conference. The online report will be divided into three sub-venues: "High-efficiency Motors and Unmanned Agricultural Machines", "Intelligent Detection and Control of Agricultural Equipment", and "Intelligent Agriculture".

The academic innovation forum of "Electrification and Intelligentization of Modern Agricultural Equipment" for graduate students in Jiangsu Province was successfully held. Effectively cultivate and significantly enhance the innovative spirit of graduate students facing the frontiers of science and technology, the practical ability of facing social needs, and the sense of collaboration for future development. Exercised the ability of scientific research and academic reporting of graduate students. Deepen the postgraduates’ understanding of the development of modern agricultural equipment, and strengthen the postgraduate’s sense of responsibility of "knowing and loving agriculture". It has laid a solid foundation for cultivating talents of "strengthening agriculture and rejuvenating agriculture".