College News

The School of Electrical and Information Engineering holds a scientific research integrity and style of study construction education activities and high-value patent cultivation and writing lectures

Date:2021-10-23 Click:

On the afternoon of October 22nd, the "Scientific Research Integrity and Style and Style Construction Education Activities and High-value Patent Cultivation and Writing Lectures" were held in Room 415. In this lecture, Ms. Han Kuiguo and Ms. Yin Chunlei, vice deans of the Institute of Intellectual Property, were invited to explain the guidance of high-value patent cultivation of national and school intellectual property policies and common problems in patent drafting. The meeting was presided over by Professor Xu Leijun, Vice Dean of EIE, and more than 80 people including representatives of teachers, doctoral students and graduate students of various departments attended.

At the meeting, Professor Xu Leijun first introduced to the participating teachers and students the importance of strengthening the Institute's scientific research integrity, work style and academic style, and standardizing scientific research behavior. It also emphasizes the integrity, rigor, and standardization in the process of intellectual property protection such as patent cultivation, application, and drafting. Teacher Han Kuiguo interprets the common problems in our school's patent application, transformation, high-value patent cultivation, management and other processes by analyzing the national intellectual property policy guidance and the school's intellectual property system. Professor Yin Chunlei started from actual cases and explained in depth the key issues that need to be paid attention to in the patent drafting process. During the exchange session, Mr. Han and Mr. Yin gave detailed answers to the questions of the participating teachers and students in improving patent levels, effective ways to protect intellectual property rights, and patent drafting skills.

After the meeting, the teachers and students all expressed that they fully realized the importance of scientific research integrity and standardizing scientific research behavior. In the follow-up scientific research work, we will combine the characteristics of our own scientific research field to protect intellectual property rights.