College News

The School of Electrical and Information Engineering holds a special recruitment fair for the autumn of 2022 graduates

Date:2021-10-28 Click:

On the afternoon of October 27th, EIE of Jiangsu University held the "2022 Special Recruitment Fair" in the atrium on the first floor. A total of 100 companies were invited to recruit. Professor Zhu Xiaoyong, Dean of EIE of Jiangsu University, Wang Peng, deputy director of the Alumni Association and External Liaison Office, and Xu Yang, deputy director of the Employment Guidance and Service Center of the Academic and Industrial Division attended the job fair. Leaders and personnel managers of dozens of high-quality employers inside and outside the province, as well as teachers and students from Jiangsu University School of Electrical Engineering, Jingjiang College and other related colleges, more than hundreds of graduates came to the job fair. The job fair was hosted by Ye Tao, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and deputy dean of EIE.

At the beginning of the job fair, Professor Zhu Xiaoyong, Dean of EIE, delivered a speech on behalf of the college. On behalf of the college, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all the companies, and express my heartfelt thanks to Wuxi Xinjie Electric Co., Ltd. for setting up scholarships in our college for many years. He pointed out: The school has just held a series of innovative development activities for the 20th anniversary of the establishment of Jiangsu University and the 119th anniversary l. In this critical period of connecting the past and the future, our Institute actively held special employment recruitment activities, which is not only a key measure to cater to market demand, but also an important manifestation of emphasis on the integration of work and learning. The college will continue to deepen the collaboration between government, industry, university, research, industry and education with the government and enterprises, and strengthen cooperation in running schools, cooperative education, cooperative employment, and cooperative development. Establish a cooperation platform for upper and lower linkages, collaboration and win-win, to further promote university-enterprise resource sharing, complementary advantages, and common development. In all aspects, we will promote more adequate and higher-quality employment for our graduates, and contribute new and greater strengths to striving for a first-class university.

Then, Mr. Wang Peng, deputy director of the Jiangsu University Alumni Association and External Liaison Office, submitted the letter of scholarship donation invoice to Mr. Wang Yang, the corporate representative of Wuxi Xinjie Electric Co., Ltd. Professor Zhu Xiaoyong, Dean of EIE of Jiangsu University, and Xu Yang, Deputy Director of the Employment Guidance and Service Center of the Department of Education and Engineering, are respectively BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. Wuxi China Resources Microelectronics Co., Ltd. Baoshi Huayu Steering System Co., Ltd. Wuxi Zhongwei Aixin Electronics Co., Ltd. and Wuxi Haihe Nuclear Equipment Technology Co., Ltd. awarded the medals.

The job fair was crowded with people and lasted nearly 3 hours. Participants responded enthusiastically and actively communicated with employers. Employers are also patiently accepting consultations from students on site. Answers to the welfare, job setting, corporate culture and other issues that graduates are more concerned about. More than 300 graduates have reached employment interview intentions with companies.

The 2022 special job fair of EIE came to a successful conclusion. It has played an important role in fully activating the campus talent market of our school, and has also established a communication platform for graduates and employers. In the future, EIE will continue to provide graduates with diverse and precise career choices to achieve a win-win situation between the school and the enterprise.