College News

The School of Electrical and Information Engineering launched the educational activities of scientific research integrity and style of study and the National Natural Science Foundation of China project application seminar

Date:2021-11-04 Click:

In order to further strengthen the construction of scientific research integrity, work style and academic style of our institute, and standardize scientific research behavior, and do a good job in the application of the national natural science fund project of our institute in 2022. On the afternoon of November 3, the "Scientific Research Integrity and Style and Style Construction Education Activity and the National Natural Science Foundation Project Application Symposium" was held in Room 404. The symposium invited Professor Zhu Xiaoyong, the dean ofThe School of Electrical and Information Engineering and the selected member of the National Major Talents Program, to give a special report. The meeting was presided over by Professor Xu Leijun, Vice Dean ofThe School of Electrical and Information Engineering, and more than 40 people including key scientific research personnel who plan to apply for the National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2022 will participate.

At the meeting, Professor Xu Leijun first led the participants to study the documents related to scientific research integrity and work style and style construction, and through the case, asked everyone to do scientific research integrity in the application of the National Natural Science Foundation of China. Subsequently, Professor Xu Leijun informed the participants of the application and approval of the National Natural Science Foundation of China in the past 5 years. Professor Zhu Xiaoyong's report included "New Situation Natural Fund Application Policy Guidance, Academic Development and Fund Application Intrinsic Relationship, Fund Topic Selection and High-Quality Application Form Writing" and so on. It introduced in detail how to apply for funds in combination with personal academic development under the guidance of the new policy. And share the experience and precautions of high-quality fund application writing from topics such as topic selection, abstract, project basis, research content and objectives, research plan and technical route, and innovation. At the same time, Professor Zhu Xiaoyong further emphasized that in the fund application, we must not forget the original intention and stick to the bottom line of scientific research integrity.

After the meeting, the participants unanimously stated that the symposium will have connotation, depth, and pertinence. Everyone has a deeper understanding of the integrity of scientific research and the application of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and has clarified the ideas of the application of the fund.