College News

EIE launches undergraduate enrollment promotion work summary seminar

Date:2021-11-15 Click:

On the afternoon of November 12, in the meeting room 313, EIE held a seminar on the summary of undergraduate enrollment publicity work in 2021. Director Ji Liuyang of the Admissions Office attended the seminar, and the undergraduate admissions publicity teacher of EIE attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Ye Tao, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Academy.

At the meeting, admissions officers Chu Yalun, Zhang Dongyang, and Cai Xiaolei respectively introduced their experiences. Ye Tao gave a brief report on the college's overall enrollment work. Subsequently, Ji Liuyang affirmed the achievements of the college's undergraduate enrollment publicity work in recent years from three aspects: high completion of indicators, high job support rate, and high service satisfaction. At the same time, it gave detailed instructions on how to do a good job in enrollment and publicity in a normal way. The teachers participating in the conference discussed the problems encountered in the enrollment process.

Through this meeting, a summary of the undergraduate enrollment publicity work of EIE this year was summarized. Sum up the achievements, share the experience, make up for the shortcomings, and innovate ideas. It has laid the foundation for continuing to do a good job in undergraduate enrollment publicity next year.