College News

EIE won excellent results in the 2021 National College Student Electronic Design Competition Jiangsu Division Competition

Date:2021-11-05 Click:

On November 4, 2021, the 2021 National Undergraduate Electronic Design Competition in Jiangsu will be officially launched. 16 teams composed of 48 students from EIE participated in the competition. Xu Leijun, Qin Yun, Huang Zhenyue and other teachers led the team to participate in the competition. Our college is actively preparing for this electric competition, and the college leaders and teachers have provided high support, and have repeatedly visited the instructor and participating students on the spot. Participating teachers and students carefully prepared, overcome difficulties, successfully completed the tasks of the competition and achieved good results.

In this electric competition, the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Guidance Center of EIE is responsible for pre-match preparations, on-site organization and guidance of the competition, and logistical support. A total of 16 teams participated. According to the requirements of the organizing committee of the competition, a "semi-closed, relatively concentrated" organization method is adopted, and the design and production are carried out for 4 days and the evaluation on 2 antennas is carried out. Our college won 9 first prizes and 5 second prizes in the competition. Among them, 9 teams were recommended to participate in the national award qualification. It fully demonstrates that the students of our college are based on their subject expertise, give full play to their innovative design and engineering practice capabilities, actively prepare and participate in the competition, and challenge themselves in the competition. At the same time, the college is also actively creating a good academic atmosphere and scientific research innovation atmosphere, encouraging and guiding students to rely on majors to carry out technological innovation.

This time, many teams from our college participated in the electric competition and achieved good results. It has obtained valuable practical experience for our college in organizing and participating in the national college student electronic design competition in the future, and laid a good foundation for the development of scientific and technological activities of the college in the future.