College News

EIE holds the 2021 ideological work meeting

Date:2021-11-18 Click:

On November 17, EIE held the 2021 ideological work conference in the 404 meeting room. Party Secretary Zhao Wenxiang, Dean Zhu Xiaoyong, Vice Deans Gao Guoqin, Xu Leijun, Ding Shihong, and all party branch secretaries of the College attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Ye Tao, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Academy.

At the symposium, Ye Tao led everyone to learn the spirit of the 6th Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee. The members of the leadership team of the academy respectively summarized and reported on the implementation of the ideological work responsibility system within the scope of their work. Participating branch secretaries analyzed and judged the recent ideological situation of each branch, and exchanged and discussed the work of each branch. Zhao Wenxiang pointed out that it is necessary to deeply understand and understand the extreme importance of ideological work, not forget the original aspiration, keep the mission in mind, and strive to complete the historical mission and goal of the college entrusted by the new era. It is necessary to accurately grasp and understand the main tasks of ideological work, promote the Sinicization and modernization of Marxism with educational guidance, and build a consensus on comprehensively deepening reforms. Promote the normal development of ideological work in an all-round way with strong organizational guarantees, disciplinary guarantees and capacity guarantees. Promote the college's continuous stable and positive development in an all-round way. We must resolutely implement and strengthen effective measures for ideological work, and firmly grasp the leadership of ideological work.

At this meeting, the college further emphasized the need to attach great importance to ideological work. Regard unifying thinking and gathering strength as the central link of propaganda and ideological work. Do a good job in ideological guidance, public opinion guidance, and position building. Work creatively with the spirit of being highly responsible for the reform and development of the university.