College News

The Party Committee of EIE went to the former site of the Danyang General Front Committee to carry out party history learning and education

Date:2021-11-25 Click:

On November 24, the leading group and office members of the Party Committee of EIE went to the former site of the Danyang General Front Committee to conduct party history study and education.

The Memorial Hall of Danyang General Front Committee Site is the base of patriotism education in Jiangsu Province. The vivid record shows that after the victory of the Battle of Crossing the Yangtze River in April 1949, the front committee consisting of Deng Xiaoping, Liu Bocheng, Chen Yi, Su Yu, and Tan Zhenlin came to Danyang to direct the revolutionary process of the Shanghai Liberation Campaign and the takeover of the work. Under the leadership of the instructor, all the staff carefully studied and understood the magnificent revolutionary past before the liberation of Shanghai. They have a deeper understanding of the glorious history of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries such as Deng Xiaoping and Chen Yi in planning Danyang City and decisively defeating Shanghai, and have a deep understanding of their great achievements and noble sentiments.

After the visit, all party members revisited the party oath in front of the old site, reshaped their spirit and held high morale. Through the visit, everyone deeply felt the revolutionary sentiment and lofty demeanor of the revolutionary martyrs in Danyang. The simple and arduous working and living environment of the older generation of revolutionaries also left a deep impression on everyone. Everyone expressed their desire to cherish the hard-won happy life and continue to carry forward the selfless dedication and revolutionary spirit of the revolutionary ancestors and the courage to move forward in future work. Based on the position, be a model, strive for the vanguard, and contribute to the construction of the school.