College News

EIE holds study and publicity activities about the Constitution

Date:2021-12-06 Click:

From September 20 to December 3,The School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Jiangsu University, carried out a series of themed activities around "studying and using of constitution ".

This activity was carried out from four aspects. First, with the branch as a unit, the day activities with the theme of studying the constitution were carried out. Taking Dianzhuo 2001 and 2002 as an example, walked into the People's Court of Runzhou District to study the Constitution under the organization of counselors. Second, each class has carried out corresponding learning and education activities in various forms such as class meetings and organizational meetings. Third, promote constitutional knowledge through a combination of online and offline. Online promotion is carried out by Bilibili, Qzone, etc., and offline lectures are organized, which students are actively participated in. Finally, with the grade as a unit, activities such as knowledge contests, speech contests were carried out around the constitution.

In the past three months of constitution study, the study of the constitution has been effectively implemented, which has promoted the understanding of the constitution of the young students.