College News

Teachers of our college have achieved good results in the 2019National University Life Science Micro-lectures Teaching Competition

Date:2019-11-25 Click:

On November 23, 2019, the 2019 National University Life Science Micro-lectures Teaching Competition ended successfully in Nanjing. Entry submitted by Mr. Yang Ning from the Department of Electronics and Biomedicine of our college has won the third prize.

The 2019 National University Life Science Micro-lectures Teaching Competition is jointly organized by the Ministry of Education and magazines such as "Medical Teaching Research in University (Electronic Version)" and "Biology Teaching Research in University (Electronic Version)". More than 200 entries from more than 90 universities in 25 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions), including University of science and technology of China, Shanghai University and Shanghai Jiaotong University, participated in the competition. The competition consists of three stages: preliminary, semi-final and final, and the total score consists of three parts: teaching design, teaching PPT and teaching. A total of 8 first prizes, 21 second prizes and 31 third prizes were selected. After receiving the competition notice, our college actively encourages and organizes teachers from the Department of Electronics and Biomedicine to participate. Although Mr. Yang Ning is visiting the University of Macau, he still actively participates in the competition with making videos on weekends. The success of the competition has shown a good image of our teachers' hard work, and has improved the influence of the school and the profession.