College News

School of Electrical and Information Engineering holds the “Dream Open Class-Report on My Youth Story” successfully

Date:2019-11-11 Click:



On the afternoon of November 8, 2019, School of Electrical and Information Engineering (EIE) held the “Dream Open Class-Report on My Youth Story" in the Graduate Report Hall successfully. Ye Tao, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the School of EIE, and Li Chenglin, the head of the Youth League Committee, attended the event. Students Wu Xu from Dianzhuo 1601 and Cheng Rui from Telecom 1803 were invited to share their stories. All students in 2019 undergraduate of the School of EIE participated in this report.

During the sharing session, Wu Xu shared his experience with the students in terms of learning, skills and work. Wu Xu advocates students to improve classroom quality in learning, make time planning, learn to use Internet resources, and ask questions actively. Moreover, learning and mastering WORD, EXCEL, AutoCAD and other software in peacetime are also important. At last, he proposed three recommendations: improve study efficiency, put your studies first, and do everything in order. While, Student Cheng Rui focuses on introducing English learning and studying abroadrelated experiences. He introduced his learning experience and methods from the aspects of reading, writing, listening, and speaking. First, he suggested that students who intend to study abroad should pay more attention to government and school policies. Then, Cheng Rui also recommended some practical English learning software such as “Fluent Reading” and “Daily English Listening” to students. Also, he introduced the “Yale School” and Foreign Language Learning and Treatment Center of Jiangsu University to encourage students learning and practicing frequently, and then improving their oral English.

This experience sharing session aims to provide guidance for the students to learn, share the experience of outstanding student representatives with the students in the form of a report, help students to better study and improve their academic performance. The report promotes the construction of the study style of the School of EIE, which is conducive to promoting the School of EIE to better develop talents.