College News

College held a forum of young teachers

Date:2017-10-01 Click:

On September 29, 2017, the party committee of the School of Electrical Engineering held a seminar for college young teachers in the conference room of College 313, and members of the college leadership team and youths under the age of 45 who had selected doctorates (or associate professorships) Teachers attended the forum.

At the beginning of the meeting, Zhu huanqiu, secretary of the party committee of the hospital, said that the symposium was an important link in the implementation of the "double-gratification and double promulgation" of the institute's implementation of "Double Closings and Double Prompts". The young teachers are the future and hope of the college. The college has also attached great importance to the growth of young teachers, We hope to have a face-to-face exchange with the young teachers on the work and development of the college. Please speak freely and express our opinions and suggestions on the current work of the college.

At the symposium, young teachers spoke their minds and made their own suggestions on international cooperation, academic exchanges, external publicity of disciplines, lack of guidance for newly recruited teachers, lack of opportunities for laboratory young teachers to improve academic qualifications, etc. Ideas and requirements. At the meeting, many young teachers repeatedly referred to the conflict between teaching tasks and research tasks. The relatively heavy teaching pressure made it difficult for them to squeeze out time for scientific research and hoped to allocate the time for teaching and research reasonably Get help and guidance.

In response to the questions posed by young teachers, the team members all answered and answered: Vice President Gao Guoqin firstly expressed his heartfelt appreciation for the young teachers who have made contributions to the work of the college over the years. She pointed out: As a young teacher, Their own position, teaching, research or teaching and research type, so as to handle the relationship between teaching and research. Finally, Zhu huanqiu secretary said: Young teachers are the core force for internationalization of the college. The development of young teachers is also a part of the development of the college. It also summarizes the four steps of the development of young teachers, namely, doctoral programs, overseas studies, and achievements. If you want to take this good step, you must have lofty ideals, abundant time and energy, and a scientific and correct method. The forum ended in a warm and harmonious atmosphere.