College News

The college holds the class of 2018 graduates

Date:2017-06-28 Click:

On the evening of June 26, Teacher Fan Yanchen, a faculty member of the School of Electrical Engineering, gave a lecture on employment for 2018 undergraduates and postgraduates with the theme of "job interview and contract signing". Nearly 400 students attended the seminar.

First, Ms. Fan analyzed the overall employment situation and pointed out that finding a job is a very important issue. Therefore, each of our students is required to attach importance to their thinking and to maintain a good attitude toward employment. Can neither evade employment, nor blindly, non-directional free choice of employment.

Fan explained to you some employment agreements signed with the employer some of the considerations and remind everyone agreement must be completed to facilitate the follow-up work of the school. At the same time, Fan also pointed out that after the signing of the agreement must be promptly sent to the school related supporting materials, but also through specific examples to explain to everyone not timely feedback to the school caused inconvenience and impact and so on.

On the employment orientation of graduate employment, grassroots employment and flexible employment and other issues, Fan also explained in detail, so that students understand the requirements of post jobs, so as to make the preparation of knowledge and ability to make I occupy the active position in the fierce competition. Subsequently, Fan teacher focused on explaining the graduates recommendation form and employment agreement to fill in matters needing attention, but also in the archives preservation and cadre identity, also made a meticulous explanation. In addition, Fan repeatedly stressed the importance of employment recommendation form and its significance for employment, but also to supplement the recommendation form lost replacement method. After the lecture, some students also consulted with teachers on specific issues, and Fan also made detailed answers one by one. The lecture provided a great help to the graduating students in employment and promoted the employment of the college.